10 Personalisation Trends To Lookout For In Retail

As retailers continue to collect data on customers' buying habits, they will use this data to create more accurate....

10 Personalisation Trends To Lookout For In Retail
Written by
Ashley Gibbons
Published on
January 16, 2023

Personalisation is a rapidly evolving field, and retailers are constantly exploring new ways to use data and technology to create more personalised shopping experiences for customers. Here are ten trends in personalisation that are likely to gain momentum in 2023:

  1. Predictive personalisation: Predictive analytics will become more widely used to make more accurate predictions about what products and services customers are likely to be interested in. This will enable retailers to create even more tailored shopping experiences for their customers.
  2. Personalised experiences on social media: Social media platforms will become more sophisticated in their ability to personalise the content that is shown to users, making it even more likely that customers will see products and services that are relevant to them.
  3. Personalised product recommendations: As retailers continue to collect data on customers' buying habits, they will use this data to create more accurate product recommendations for individual customers.
  4. Personalised marketing campaigns: Retailers will use data on customers' preferences and behaviours to create more targeted marketing campaigns, making it more likely that customers will see advertisements for products they are actually interested in.
  5. Virtual and augmented reality: Virtual and augmented reality technologies will become more widely used to create personalised shopping experiences for customers. Retailers will use these technologies to create virtual showrooms and allow customers to preview products in their own home before purchasing.
  6. Personalised pricing: Retailers will use data on customers' buying habits and preferences to create more personalised pricing strategies. This will enable them to offer different prices to different customers based on their likelihood of making a purchase.
  7. Personalised customer service: Retailers will use data on customers' preferences and behaviours to create more personalised customer service experiences. This will enable them to respond more effectively to customers' needs and provide more tailored assistance.
  8. Voice and gesture-based personalisation: Voice and gesture-based technologies will become more widely used to create personalised shopping experiences for customers. This will enable customers to interact with retailers in new and more natural ways.
  9. Personalised subscriptions: Retailers will use data on customers' preferences and behaviours to create more personalised subscription services. This will enable them to offer different subscription options to different customers based on their likelihood of making regular purchases.
  10. Personalised wellness: Retailers will use data on customers' health and wellness to create more personalised product recommendations. This will enable them to offer products that are more likely to be of interest to customers based on their specific health and wellness needs.

Overall, personalisation is becoming an increasingly important aspect of the retail industry, and businesses that are able to effectively personalise the shopping experience for their customers are likely to see improved sales and margins. As technology continues to advance and more data becomes available, the potential for personalisation will continue to grow, and retailers that are able to keep up with these trends will be well positioned to succeed in the years to come.